Animating on Paper: The Sneeze 1992
I made my last animation with tracing paper and a pen back in 1992. At the time, I was mainly drawing with a Summagraphics Sketch Pad attached to a desktop Amiga Computer with a ton of peripherals. Even though they all filled a room, it still only output low resolution video. After a day of traveling 23 years ago, I sat down with a black marker and my tracing pad and drew this animation. When I got home, I scanned the drawings, colored them and compiled them with triggered sound events in Disney Animation Studio. Paper drawn animation of this type has an interesting jitter referred to as “Line-Boil.” Like the early animators, I believed line-boil was a terrible imperfection. Sometimes, however, it makes the animation interesting. Around the mid 1990’s and later, television grew to like line-boil and added the deliberate exaggerated effect to many titles and animations. Anyway, I found the original 1992 drawing files for "The Sneez...
thanks for sharing